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Vim with steroids: code faster and better!

Vim with steroids: code faster and better!

Juanmi Taboada
Juanmi Taboada
Vim with steroids: code faster and better!

Yes, I am a developer who writes its stuff with “vim”. What’s up?

Several times I have discussed if Vim is or is not an IDE. Many people don’t understand why we love it so much vim, and they even think Vim is just a text editor. Despite what they think, I can prove Vim is more than an IDE (vimdiff, vimperator for firefox) and can be a much better IDE than many others (it is just the fastest of all of them).

If you want to code faster and better, I have attached my Vim configuration, which is ready to use.

Enjoy it!    You can get it from my GitHub!

I’ve been using Vim for about 2 years, mostly because I can’t figure out how to exit it.


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